Crystal Chakra Clearing

Optimize energy flow, illuminate shadows, clear blockages, and experience more of your own soul-full-ness in this relaxing, yet transformative chakra balancing session.
for $Chakras are subtle energy centers that serve as intersections for our physical body, mind, emotions, and spirit. While they are constantly in motion, we tend to develop patterns early in life of retraction or hyper-vigilance. These survival strategies were helpful when they originated, but now are often limiting our full potential. This work reveals areas ready for greater awareness, and offers tools for integration, release, and nourishing replenishment.
Every session is different based on our direct communication and intuitive awareness. Sometimes the gemstones are laid on various parts of the body, other times they are used to scan and clear the aura around the body with no physical contact, often a combo of both happens. Many clients tangibly feel the energy moving, others don’t, either way it’s still working. In sacred, safe space we explore whatever arises and become aware of options for living more authentically in connection with your deepest needs and truths.
It is truly an honor to connect soul to soul in this way: liberating energy, recycling what is no longer serving, and learning how to allow natural healing from within. Book your Crystal Chakra Clearing session.
Can be 1.5 hours for $250
2 hours for $333
or combine Chakra Balancing with Ayurvedic Pulse in an epic transformative 3 hour session for $465.