Yoga Retreats, Ayurveda, Holistic Nutrition & Wellness Coaching
Welcome to Samana Wellness where we empower you to live the life of your dreams here in Maui, Hawaii and beyond. Samana is Sanskrit for “one who aims to realize the truth.” We believe that the highest truths are found deep within, and that to fully realize our innermost truths we need to embody health in every aspect of our lives, which we call Whole Life Health. In Ayurveda, the “science of life” from ancient India, Samana is the aspect of air (vayu) in the body that guides digestion of nutrients and the transformation of life experiences. Samana Wellness offers tools to address physical, mental, and emotional digestion through yoga, holistic nutrition, Ayurvedic wellness practices, guided meditations, cleanses, retreats, and much more! Access your full potential and receive support, encouragement, reflection, and guidance along your path to Whole Life Health.
Yoga Retreats in Maui, Hawaii
Yoga at Samana Wellness is an exploration of the body, mind, and spirit through awareness of breath and structural alignment. Yoga postures are one of the 8 limbs of yoga, a system for healthy vibrant living focused on recognizing our wholeness as individuals and our interconnectedness with everything on the planet. Samana Wellness yoga instruction integrates yoga’s holistic philosophy for balanced living both on and off the yoga mat. Come increase your flexibility in body, mind, and spirit through yoga in our upcoming retreats, workshops, and weekly classes, or join our wellness challenge for online yoga classes. Private yoga instruction is available here on Maui and via Skype for individuals and private groups.
Holistic Nutrition
Holistic Nutrition is an integral part of the Samana Wellness approach to Whole Life Health, where we address the uniqueness of each client’s changing needs. We recognize that there is no one right way to eat or live for optimal health that will work for all people all of the time. With seasons, time of life, activity level, and personal preferences each person’s optimal diet varies. Through nutrition consultations and workshops we guide you to identifying dietary and lifestyle transitions that feel manageable to integrate into your daily routines. Enjoy delicious easy healthy recipes from our blog and newsletter. Whether through our Whole Life Health Consultation series, Wellness Booster Tune-Ups, or longer programs such as our 30-Day Wellness Challenge and 90-Day Whole Life Health Makeover, Samana Wellness has the tools you need to take charge of your wellbeing one bite at a time.
Ayurveda offers a vast array of recommendations for healthy living, and Samana Wellness integrates many of these into our Whole Life Health programs. Learn the value of these ancient nourishing, cleansing, and rejuvenating practices first hand as you experience the difference they can make in your daily life. Ayurvedic principles are the foundation for the Samana Wellness Intentional Eating Program in which you learn to eat for optimal health by listening within to your body’s needs.
Guided Meditations
Taking the time to look and listen within is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves on the journey to Whole Life Health. When we stop doing and tune in with the peace at the core of our being, our sense of wholeness and connectedness flourishes. Great ideas and insights flow from this river of wisdom within each one of us, but we have to take the time to sit and be present to receive this priceless guidance. Guided Meditations are a useful means of clearing our own junk out of the way so that we can glean the rewards of uncovering our deepest truths. Samana Wellness guided meditations are available in private sessions, group classes, and are built into all our retreats and challenge programs. These insightful guided meditations are also available as downloadable audio clips here on this website.
Bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be with our online 30-Day Wellness Challenge, which integrates all aspects of the Samana Wellness approach into a program that fits into your schedule, anytime anywhere. Learn to trust the process, striking the powerful balance between taking appropriate action and surrendering when needed. Replenish your wellness reserves so that you can be of better service to your family, more effective in your work, and more responsible in your community.

Cleansing is a great way to restore balance to your body, mind, and spirit, increase your energy, and let go of things no longer supporting you thriving in your life. Cleaning your lens of perception is imperative so that you can clearly see the opportunities that await you, and the radiant beautiful light that illuminates you from the inside out. Samana Wellness specializes in Ayurvedic Kitchari Cleanses in our Mini-Retreats and Personalized Cleansing Programs for individuals or private groups. Kitchari is a healing food preparation used in Ayurveda to rejuvenate the body, detoxify the cells and nourish all of or body systems. It is typically comprised of a grain and a legume combined with vegetables and spices to target specific organs or body systems. Kitchari is considered tridoshic or beneficial for all body-types. Its nutrients are easy to digest and assimilate which restores digestion to its optimal function. With strong Agni (digestive fire), we are vital, energetic, and innately able to heal what ails us. Guided Juice Cleansing is also available for those interested in detoxifying with creative recipes for freshly juiced organic vegetables.
Embark on a journey to transformation and connection to your true nature through discovery and maintenance of Whole Life Health in our group Mini-Retreats where we combine gentle cleansing, yoga, Ayurvedic Nutrition, and guided meditations into our five half-days together. Take kitchari and tonifying beverages home with you each day so that you have time to focus on other things besides food preparation throughout the retreat. Customized Retreats are also available on your own timing to meet your specific needs.
Women’s Wellness Workshops: Yoga, Self-Massage, & Meditation
Our Women’s Wellness Workshop Series offers yoga, self-massage, guided meditations, and time for deep reflection. Each workshop is focus on different areas of the body such as the uterus, pelvis, and hips; feet and legs; solar plexus and backdoor of the heart; and throat, neck, and head. Join us for one or all of these profoundly healing workshops.
Take the next step in your personal awakening and get real with your needs, hopes, and dreams. Join us for a class, workshop, retreat, consultation, or cleanse here on the beautiful island of Maui, Hawaii or through the graces of modern technology by phone or Skype.